Saturday, October 8, 2011

Quality of the Day

First blog entry following sunrise meditation.  Making changes in my life by following the "lead" of what resonates with my a.m. meditation.  Why?  Had become more and more dissatisfied with how I spend my daily life - doing dutiful things rather than delve into the creative interests.  Always find some dutiful task to complete before starting a creative project........ days go by and creative stuff lies untouched.  My old ways of living my life no longer fruitful in feeding my soul.   It is difficult letting go of the "doing" and organizing and goal-oriented way of life while working.  Don't know how NOT to live that way despite my conscious efforts to make changes.  Instead I keep doing "dutiful things" while the days pass with the "creative stuff" still undone and incomplete. 

It was suggested by a spiritul advisor to start my day with a sunrise meditation - starting about 15 min before sunrise and ending when the sun is about two fingers above the horizon -  and just be "open to the quality of the day".  I've been doing this for two weeks now and am intrigued by how my days have been undergoing a metamorphosis by gradually changing as I heed the moment by moment "calling" of the day.

De-cluttering my living space is one areas of gradual transformation.   This urge to get rid of "stuff" started percolating even before the sunrise meditation suggestion.  Not in an unhealthy way - as each item frequently has a narrative associated with it.  However, I feel called to pass things on - I have so much more than I need and simplifying my life and my living space opens up so many more possibilities.  As I reflect on the confluence of events - simplifying my living space,  changing my spending habits,  seeking spiritual connections,  opening up to an enlarging awareness or presence to the natural world, reducing negative external stimuli, and sunrise meditation - my journey of metamorphosis or transformation becomes more exciting.

Currently my transformation is most observable (for me anyway) in how my living room and bedroom space is being changed day by day - rather than Martha' usual way of making a step-by-step plan,  organizing the sequence, and having a deadline for completion.  Each day I start with the sunrise meditation I'm more aware that the "next step" becomes apparent - perhaps moving pictures,  designating items to dispose of (and arranging for disposal) - then knowing when that day's change is over.   It truly becomes a creative expression of the next step emerging rather than pre-planned.......  just like the creative process - trusting and being free to respond to what emerges next.  Discovering each day as a creative journey rather than a dutiful one.

Marti B